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提昇製藥及生技產業之研究發展。 |
To advance research and development in pharmaceutical manufacturing and biotech industry. |
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提昇製藥及生技產業之經營管理。 |
To enhance operational management of pharmaceutical manufacturing and biotech industry. |
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加強國內製藥及生技產業之交流及合作。 |
To broaden domestic interactions and increase cooperation between stakeholders in pharmaceutical manufacturing and biotech industry. |
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加強製藥及生技產業之國際交流及合作。 |
To enhance international interactions and increase cooperation between stakeholders in pharmaceutical manufacturing and biotech industry. |
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爭取製藥及生技產業之發展空間,並開拓國際市場,擴展外銷以提高我國製藥及生技產業之國際形象。 |
To strive for development of pharmaceutical manufacturing and the biotechnology industry; to explore and expand in international market by increasing export; therefore, increasing presence of Taiwan in international pharma market. |
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推動製藥及生技產業產官學之相互溝通與合作,以促進我國製藥及生技產業之發展。 |
To drive communication and cooperation between industry and academia in order to boost the development of pharmaceutical manufacturing and biotechnology industry. |
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提昇製藥及生技產業之生產技術。 |
To improve manufacturing skills of pharmaceutical manufacturing and biotechnology industry. |